Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving + Football = me happy...might need some Pepto Bismol later haha

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Timewarner commercial for Internet: "Do you wish you had fast DSL?"

Monday, November 22, 2010

watching the Charger game ;) GO CHARGERS!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Note to self: bring face wash to photo shoots... this should be a fun photo shoot haha

Friday, November 19, 2010

Alice in Wonderland goth photo shoot this weekend! Woohooo!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

if the stupid Oceanside guy were to get a pat down by a HOT wouldn't have been an issue

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

watching Foxy Brown (Pam Grier)...action movies have really an awesome movie tho
wants to see the movie Burlesque when it comes out ;)

Monday, November 15, 2010

is doing my daily skin care regime..rockin' my mudd mask...PJ says: "OMG! Who crapped on ur face!?"

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Note to self: Slenda does not work lol poor Margherita haha dang.....should have skipped tha ephedra
Best fight EVERRRRERR! Team PAC Man!!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Visage Co photoshoot in La Jolla by PJ ;) my bestfriend Gaoshi, the lovely wifee & Fam Bam <3

Thursday, November 11, 2010

at Sephora for tha VIB event ;)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

So who's watchin' THA FIGHT this weekend?!!
Jude Judy is awesome
Happy Birthday USMC! SEMPER FI!
is it me? Or is there like NOTHING interesting on the news besides that stuck at sea carnival cruise...

Monday, November 8, 2010

first day working at Alere was awesome ;) despite I have a cold/flu...and getting lost walking around the building

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Nyquil is
is watching Sunday night football...Dallas Cowboyz finally scored their 1st TD end of the 1st half...and I cheered lol
good job CHARGERS!!!! woooohooo!!!
is sick...ugh! darn allergies

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Red Circle tonight w/ Entourage Pro!
Getting ready for Jasper's football game :)

Friday, November 5, 2010

got some wicked Halloween eye lashes at Walmart for less than a dollar!
my last day of work at Carlsbad Technology ;) will miss a couple people...but will be starting work at Alere next week! Woohooo!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Old School pix from MYSPACE

Cause we GANGSTA like that!
I'm just kidding...we're not in a gang...juz sayin'....we cool like that LOL nam sayin?

My favorite football players

2010 Fall Season Mira Mesa Chargers
#9 Jerin "Don't Ask Me", Offensive Tackle - Flag Blue
#44, Jasper "Waterboy", Defensive Cornerback - Mitey Mite Blue

We've gotten alot of crap for giving Jasper the title "Waterboy"..but to shed some light behind the name: Both the boys missed the first couple of weeks of practice, so for the 1st two games of the season the team made Jasper the team waterboy. Even though he didn't get to play for those two games, he was there for the team as their waterboy and for support. Besides, haven't you guys watch the movie The Waterboy with Adam Sandler??? He kicked @$$!! So some people may see it as a put down only because they don't know the back story of it. So now you know!

If you've ever seen the film UP then you may like this picture......

2010 Fall Season: Mira Mesa Mitey Mite Blue team banner

Banner design by: PJ Lopez of Visage Company Photography & Media (

Banner printed by: Ron of V Group Store (

My son JASPER ALIMBUYAO-LOPEZ (Capalad) is #44, Defensive Cornerback

Playoff game round #2 will be this saturday (November 6th, 2010) at Eastlake High School @ 8:30am...against the Santee Ravens

JerJerBinks! #9 Offensive Tackle for Mira Mesa Chargers Flag Blue (2010)

Jerin "Don't Ask Me" Alimbuyao-Lopez (Capalad), his 1st year playing flag football. JerJerBinks got his player name from his famous quote: "If you don't know girl, and I don't know girl...then DON'T ASK ME"

His team went undefeated for the Fall 2010 Season. During the 8-Man spring season of 2011 he will be putting football pads on!! So excited!

This is just a draft poster...the bottom right corner goofy pix will change =) Can't wait to see the finished product!

The hubster is designing posters for all the players.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I'm sorry...but I already knew that Ricky Martin was gay

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

is tired.....